A clump of fresh wild blueberries in the field

Better Soil, Better Berries

A Field Day & Workshop

for Blueberry Growers in Hancock County

Wednesday, September 18th from 9am-2pm 1284 Waltham Road in Waltham, ME

RSVP online or call 667-8663 or email hcswcd@hancockcountyswcd.org

Free Soil Testing Program

A free soil pH testing program is available for all Hancock County Residents through a collaboration of HCSWCD, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the University of Maine Soil Testing Lab.

We make it easy - bring your sample to us for free pH testing. Drop off boxes are available at:

  • Our office at 474 Bucksport Road in Ellsworth.

  • UMaine Cooperative Extension at 63 Boggy Brook Road in Ellsworth.

A volunteer from HCSWCD will test the soil’s pH and follow up with the results. Call us at 207-667-8663 for more information.

For complete soil test (fee-based, includes including nutrient levels, etc.), contact UMaine Cooperative Extension at 207-667-8212 or visit their Soil Testing Service Page.

Healthy Soil

Keeping soil healthy and productive is import to the future of Maine farms. Healthy soil provides a long-term return that supports current and future rural businesses.

Farmers who follow soil health principles and systems that include no-till, cover cropping and diverse rotations are increasing their soil’s organic matter and improving microbial communities. As a result, farmers are sequestering more carbon, increasing water infiltration, improving wildlife and pollinator habitat—all while building soil equity for future generations.

For more information about soil quality, refer to the following UMaine publication:

Soil Quality Indicators Explained